Effective Microservices
I recently gave a talk at the Orlando Backend Devs Meetup on Effective Microservices. Here is the video...
I recently gave a talk at the Orlando Backend Devs Meetup on Effective Microservices. Here is the video...
What’s so special about interfaces anyway? A quick dive into extracting value from interfaces in C# through a real-world example.
So many organizations set out to implement microservices for solving problems. Unfortunately, most have a misconception about what microservices actually solve which leads to an improper implementation. This is a costly mistake with many pitfalls.
With aging applications and infrastructure, transitioning to the Cloud doesn’t have to involve refactoring or rewriting of code. In this article, I will walk you through one way to perform how to make the transition.
Linked lists are primarily used when data access is desired to be sequential in nature. This means accessing y will always come after x.
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that iterates through an array, comparing two elements at a time and swapping if appropriate. On each pass, at least one value is placed in its final sorted location (though it is possible that more are also placed in their final location).
For a technical interview over video chat for an API Developer position, I was asked to write a function while sharing my screen that would compare two strings and determine whether or not they formed an anagram. This article outlines my approach to solving the problem.
An exponential big-O is represented by: O(c^n) The n in an exponential problem means that the time of each consecutive computation of n will increase by c^n. Recursively computing the Fibonacci sequence is a simple example of exponential big-O problems. Let’s take a look: package main
In the Go programming language, I often see errors being handled in a careless manner that is difficult to maintain. This common mistake has prompted me to make a video that demonstrates the basic fundamentals of error handling in Go
With its popularity on a wild rise for several years in a row, Go is a language worth spending some time with in your spare time.
A recent post from Zach Holman got me thinking about my own situation and how I have still managed to maintain forward progress over the years no matter the circumstances.