How to Resolve Kubernetes "ContainerCreating" Status Issues: A Detailed Guide

Kubernetes users often encounter the "ContainerCreating" status, where a pod gets stuck during its initialization phase. This issue can delay deployments and disrupt application availability. Understanding the root causes and resolution methods is essential for maintaining a seamless Kubernetes environment. Here’s a guide on how to tackle the "ContainerCreating" status effectively.

Step 1: Describe the Pod

Begin your troubleshooting by describing the pod to gather detailed information:

kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

Focus on the "Events" section for any warnings or errors that might indicate the cause of the issue.

Step 2: Check for Pending Volumes

One common reason for the "ContainerCreating" status is pending volume mounts. Ensure that all Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) are correctly bound to Persistent Volumes (PVs):

        kubectl get pvc
        kubectl describe pvc <pvc-name>

Verify that the PVs are available and in the "Bound" state.

Step 3: Inspect Node Resource Availability

The node might be unable to allocate the necessary CPU or memory resources for the new pod. Inspect the node's status and resource utilization:

kubectl describe node <node-name>

Ensure there are sufficient resources available. You can also use top for more insights:

kubectl top node <node-name>

Step 4: Check Image Pull Issues

Pulling container images from a registry might fail due to various reasons such as incorrect image names, tags, or authentication problems. Ensure the image name and tag are correct:

kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].image}'

Additionally, confirm that image pull secrets are correctly configured if you are using a private registry.

Step 5: Network Connectivity

Network issues can prevent a pod from pulling images or mounting volumes. Ensure the node has proper network connectivity using tools like curl or ping:

kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- ping <registry-or-volume-server>

Step 6: Docker Daemon Issues

Problems with the Docker daemon on the node can also lead to the "ContainerCreating" status. Review the Docker daemon logs for any errors:

journalctl -u docker -f

Restart the Docker daemon if necessary:

sudo systemctl restart docker

Step 7: Consider Eviction Policies

Kubernetes has eviction policies that may prevent scheduling new pods if a node is under resource pressure. Review the eviction policy settings and adjust them if needed:

kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep eviction

Step 8: Restart the Pod

After making necessary adjustments, restart the stuck pod:

kubectl delete pod <pod-name>

Allow Kubernetes to recreate the pod based on the deployment configuration and monitor its status.


The "ContainerCreating" status in Kubernetes can be multifaceted, requiring a structured approach to diagnose and resolve. By describing the pod, verifying volumes and resources, checking image pulls, ensuring network connectivity, investigating Docker daemon issues, and understanding eviction policies, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix the issue. A well-maintained and monitored Kubernetes environment ensures smooth pod deployment and overall system reliability.