Ensuring High Availability in Kubernetes with Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs)

Ensuring High Availability in Kubernetes with Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs)

In the world of cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes has established itself as a leading container orchestration platform. While Kubernetes simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance remains a critical challenge. One of the tools that can help address this challenge is Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs). In this blog post, we will explore what PDBs are, how to configure them, and best practices for using PDBs to enhance the resilience of your Kubernetes applications.

What is a Pod Disruption Budget (PDB)?

A Pod Disruption Budget is a Kubernetes resource that helps you specify the minimum or maximum number of pod replicas that must remain available during voluntary disruptions. Voluntary disruptions include actions like node draining for maintenance, cluster upgrades, or manual scaling operations. PDBs ensure that such disruptions do not cause unacceptable downtime for your applications.

Key Concepts

  • MinAvailable: The minimum number of pods that must be available after a disruption.
  • MaxUnavailable: The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during a disruption.

Creating a Pod Disruption Budget

Let's walk through an example of creating a Pod Disruption Budget for a deployment named my-app. In this scenario, we want to ensure that at least one pod is always available.

Step 1: Define the Pod Disruption Budget Manifest

Create a YAML file named pdb.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: my-app-pdb
  minAvailable: 1
      app: my-app

Step 2: Apply the PDB Manifest

Use kubectl to apply the PDB manifest to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f pdb.yaml

Step 3: Verify the PDB

Verify that the PDB has been created and is functioning correctly:

kubectl get poddisruptionbudgets
kubectl describe pdb my-app-pdb

Handling Disruptions with PDBs

With the PDB in place, Kubernetes will honor the specified disruption budget and ensure that the required number of pods remain available during voluntary disruptions. For example, if you drain a node that hosts a pod from your my-app deployment, Kubernetes will attempt to reschedule the affected pod to another node to maintain the minimum availability defined by the PDB.

Node Draining Example

To simulate a node drain, run the following command:

kubectl drain [node-name] --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data

Kubernetes will cordon the node and evict the pods, respecting the PDB to ensure that at least one my-app pod remains available.

PDB Best Practices

  • Plan for Cluster Upgrades: Use PDBs to keep your applications available during cluster upgrades and maintenance windows.
  • Test PDBs Regularly: Validate your PDB configurations by simulating disruptions in a staging environment regularly.
  • Balance Between Availability and Flexibility: Set realistic values for minAvailable and maxUnavailable to balance between high availability and operational flexibility.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor your PDBs and adjust the configurations based on changing workload patterns and business requirements.

Common Pitfalls and Lessons Learned

Failure to Configure PDBs

In one instance, a team deployed a mission-critical application to a Kubernetes cluster without setting up PDBs. During a routine cluster upgrade, all replicas of the application were temporarily unavailable, leading to downtime and customer complaints. Implementing PDBs could have prevented this issue by ensuring that a minimum number of replicas remained available during the upgrade.

Overly Restrictive PDBs

Another team set overly restrictive PDBs, requiring almost all pods to be available at all times. This made it difficult to perform necessary maintenance tasks and caused delays in scaling operations. The lesson here is to strike a balance between availability and flexibility when configuring PDBs.


Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs) are a powerful tool for maintaining application availability during voluntary disruptions. By carefully planning and implementing PDBs, you can ensure that your cloud-native applications remain resilient and reliable. Remember to monitor, test, and adjust your PDBs regularly to keep them aligned with your evolving business needs. Have you had experiences with Pod Disruption Budgets? Share your stories and insights in the comments below!

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